Khomeini’s grandson: No guarantee for the future of Iran’s regime

Hassan Khomeini Hassan Khomeini, grandson of Iranian regime founder Ruhollah Khomeini, delivered a speech recently warning about the utter crumbling of the mullahs’ apparatus. “There is no guarantee we will remain and others will go. If we don’t follow the rules, they will take your place,” he said. “We must beware of the day that our posts are changed and roles are completely transformed.” It is worth noting that Faezeh Rafsanjani, the daughter of former Iranian regime president Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, also made startling remarks in a speech on Thursday, December 27, with state media. “In my opinion, the collapse has already happened in content. It’s only in physical appearance that the collapse has not happened, and I deem it very probable that it will happen,” said Rafsanjani, who is also a former member of the Iranian regime’s parliament. Rafsanjani also admitted that despite the high tension between the people and the regime and the ongoing pr...