Iran deal is historically bad: Rep. Lee Zeldin

Iranian missile

Nuclear weapons accord shouldn’t be allowed to continue: Opposing view
Lee Zeldin
USA TODAY, July 20, 2017 - Under this “deal,” up to $150 billion in sanctions relief, as well as our leverage, was negotiated away without addressing Iran’s non-nuclear bad activities: overthrowing foreign governments, sponsoring terrorism, developing intercontinental ballistic missiles, unjustly imprisoning Americans, blowing up mock U.S. warships, pledging to wipe Israel (“the little Satan”) off the map, and chanting Death to America (“the great Satan”) on national holidays, just to name a few.
As far as Iran’s nuclear activities go, the Iranians can’t help themselves but to cheat. Even if they don’t cheat, on top of the billions of dollars in sanctions relief that can be at least partially used for Iran’s dangerous, threatening activities, it has a blueprint for how to obtain a nuclear weapon in just over a decade. It’s the best of both worlds, and Iran is the clear all-around winner.
As far as compliance, the United States agreed not to have any American weapons inspector participate in any inspections; the Iranians have said before, during and after this agreement was entered into that no one will inspect their military sites; and the secret side deals between the IAEA and Iran outlining the verification regime are still a mystery to the United States and have not been read by our nation’s leadership, which included former secretary of State John Kerry.
The alternative was a better deal or no deal at all. A better deal is no myth and was absolutely achievable without question. No deal was a better option than what we agreed to.


Iran nuclear deal is working
Iranian leadership was desperate for this deal to prop up the current regime, which is the wrong regime. But for some very odd reason, the United States continued to negotiate from weaker and weaker positions.
With too much at stake, this historically bad deal should not have been entered into in the first place and not be allowed to continue as is.
Rep. Lee Zeldin, R-N.Y., serves on the House Foreign Affairs Committee.


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