Statement by France, Germany, the UK and US: Iran’s space launch vehicle inconsistent with UNSCR 2231

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UK Foreign & Commonwealth Office, 29 July 2017
Iran’s space launch vehicle inconsistent with UNSCR 2231

With its latest launch of a Simorgh space launch vehicle on 27 July, Iran has again demonstrated activity inconsistent with UN Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 2231. We condemn this action.
This resolution calls upon Iran to not undertake any activity related to ballistic missiles designed to be capable of delivering nuclear weapons, including launches using such technology like this launch. Space launch vehicles use technologies that are closely related to those of ballistic missile development, in particular to those of Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles.
This step follows missile launches into Syria on 18 June and the test of a medium range ballistic missile on 4th July.
Iran’s programme to develop ballistic missiles continues to be inconsistent with UNSCR 2231 and has a destabilising impact in the region. We call on Iran not to conduct any further ballistic missile launches and related activities. We are writing to the UN Secretary General with our concerns. The governments of France, Germany and the United Kingdom are discussing these issues bilaterally with Iran and are raising their concerns.


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