Giuprising Read Newsmaliani Welcomes Trump Iran Policy, Calls for Support of Ux Article: Giuliani W for Support of Uprising | Urgent: Do you approve of Prelcomes Trump Iran Policy, Callses. Trump’s job performance? Vote Here!

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani speaks to reporters at Trump Tower, January 12, 2017, in New York City. (Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

Read Newsmax Article: Giuliani Welcomes Trump Iran Policy, Calls for Support of Uprising |
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Oppressive regimes have never been inevitable. In fact, their apparent inevitability is because they possess the trappings of power. But underneath the trimmings, they lack popular support.
There have been and may still be many misconceptions about what is going on inside Iran, but since the end of December, many of those fallacies have been dispelled. A major uprising is going on, a level of unrest that lays bare the lack of backing of Iran’s people for their unwanted rulers.
On Feb. 28, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani addressed a luncheon at the National Press Club (NPC) to discuss Iran and the uprising.
“Some 142 cities had protests, which means every major city in Iran had an uprising between Dec. 28, 2017 and early January,” said Giuliani. “Demonstrators distributed photos across the country of Madame Maryam Rajavi,” President-Elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI). “With the paraphernalia of power, the regime should have been able to squelch the protests, but it was unable to do so,” he said.
Giuliani highlighted the vulnerability of the regime in Tehran and its fear of the domestic opposition. How do we know? President Emanuel Macron of France was good enough to inform the world of the phone call he received in late December from the Iranian regime’s president.
Mayor Giuliani said, “Hassan Rouhani was asking him to expel Madame Rajavi from her headquarters near Paris, where I have had the pleasure of meeting with her on a number of occasions,” Macron told Rouhani where to go, adding, “Dissidents are always welcome in France!”
From the outset, when the protests began, unlike his predecessor, President Obama, President Trump didn’t turn his back on the demonstrators. Reminiscent of the uprising in Poland years ago, when Ronald Reagan’s words alone were key to the birth aid victory 7 years later of the Solidarity Movement, under the leadership of Lech Wałęsa, an electrician by trade.
What can America do this time, to further a nation’s protests an oppressive, unwanted regime? There is no need for military action. Although there were incidents of violence and people who died in the thirty-, forty-year Cold War, we beat communism without firing a single shot.
“First thing we should do is to make sure that there is open access to the Internet for the people of Iran,” Giuliani who is a senior advisor to President Trump on cyber security said with confidence. In the Brave New World in which we live, information technology is indispensable to any movement, and access is crucial.
“We can bring in companies and encourage them to involve themselves in Internet access in Iran. We know there has already been substantial interference. The protesters originally used messaging to organize, and the movement spread like wildfire, chiefly with the messaging application ‘Telegram.’ which is encrypted, and effective. We know it was effective, because the regime shut Telegram down.
Having to deal with that type of barrier, it’s amazing that the dissidents have been able to carry on their protests. The regime knows about them, it can spy on them, and interfere with their communications,” said Giuliani. (See "Iran: Cyber Repression.")
We can help make the protests more visible, so that they don’t happen below the radar. The minute the world sees these uprisings, we realize who the good guys are and who the bad guys are. To her credit, in Jan. 2018, our UN Ambassador Nikki Haley called for an emergency meeting on Iran of the Security Council, the first one that had been held in quite some time.
We should also make sure the regime’s access to international banking is cut, because a good number of these protests come from heart-breaking economic hardship. It affects ordinary people, decent people, who go to the bank to learn Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, (IRGC), which controls the internal banking system, and has emptied accounts to pay for its proxy wars in Syria, as well as suppression, at home. (See "How Iran Fuels Syria War," and "Iran: The Rise of the Revolutionary Guards’ Financial Empire.")
And we should get the story of the NCRI out from the very beginning to now. In going over a few of the points of Maryam Rajavi’s published Plan for the Future of Iran, Mayor Giuliani said that, “The NCRI and its main member organization, the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK) has always been an organization seeking democracy, freedom, rights for women, rights for minorities, and a nonnuclear, peaceful Iran.”
Clearly, the rights of women are not only theoretically embraced by this organization, but also practically implemented. It is led by a woman, and many of the people at all the NCRI demonstrations — in the audience, on the podium — are women, as are many of those leading the protests in Iran. The dominance of females in the resistance contrasts to the misogynous nature of the Iranian regime.
Giuliani concluded by saying, “The uprising is alive and continues, that it had a direction and a clear goal of overthrowing the ruling theocracy [without the use of U.S. military force, as stated above] and is highly organized, as the regime’s officials have shown their fear of the organized opposition.” Madame Rajavi, President-Elect of the NCRI, is ready to lead the way forward. The people of Iran have indicated, at great personal risk: They want to move past the medieval theocracy installed by Khomeini, after they got rid of the previous dictatorship of the Shah. “The world community needs only to reach out, with appropriate statements and policies, and welcome them into the fold.”
Prof. Raymond Tanter (@AmericanCHR) served as a senior member on the Middle East Desk of the National Security Council staff in the Reagan-Bush administration, Personal Representative of the Secretary of Defense to international security and arms control talks in Europe, and is now Professor Emeritus at the University of Michigan. Tanter is on the comprehensive list of conservative writers and columnists who appear in The Wall Street Journal,, National Review, The Weekly Standard, Human Events, The American Spectator, and now in Newsmax. To read more of his reports — Click Here Now.


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