Trump has not laid out timetable for Syria attack response: White House
White House spokeswoman said Trump held Russia and Syria responsible for the chemical attack
The White House said on Wednesday that President Donald Trump has not laid out timetable for action in response to a suspected chemical attack in Syria, despite his note on Twitter that missiles “will be coming” and Russia should “get ready.”
White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders said Trump had a number of options, not just military, that all options were still on the table and he was assessing how to respond. She said Trump held Russia and Syria responsible for the chemical attack and denied that his Twitter comments had created any problem.
White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders said Trump had a number of options, not just military, that all options were still on the table and he was assessing how to respond. She said Trump held Russia and Syria responsible for the chemical attack and denied that his Twitter comments had created any problem.
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