The 17th day of protests by workers of Haft Tapeh sugar cane company

Demonstration by the workers of the Haft Tapeh sugar cane company in Iran

 On Wednesday, the workers of the Haft Tapeh sugar cane company in Shush, Khuzestan, began the 17th day of their demonstrations in protest to unpaid wages, the arrest of their colleagues and the government’s lack of response to their demands.
The protesters were chanting, “Imprisoned workers must be freed.” The protesters were holding pictures of imprisoned workers.
Last week, the Iranian regime’s security forces arrested several of the protesters and their spokespersons. On Monday, under the pressure of mounting tensions and expanding protests, regime officials released all but four of the protesters and a local reporter.
The regime has yet to respond to the demands of the workers. Haft Tapeh is the largest sugar cane factory in Iran and one of the largest in the Middle East. But due to the destructive economic policies of the Iranian regime, the company is on the verge of bankruptcy. This will negatively affect the livelihoods of the thousands of workers who work at the factory and their families who depend on their income.
During Wednesday’s protests, the families of the workers accompanied them in the demonstrations. The just cause of the disenfranchised workers has earned widespread support in Iran and across the world.
Yesterday, students in Tehran held a gathering in support of the workers of Haft Tapeh, saying, “We are all from Haft Tapeh and we will stand with you till the end.”
According to the Haft Tapeh workers syndicate, the Union of England’s school teachers published a statement, calling for the release of the imprisoned workers.
The Iranian regime has tried to quell the protests with repression and empty promises. But the workers of Haft Tapeh are determined to continue their protests until their demands are met.


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