Iranian mullahs are concerned about the Poland summit and the Iranian opposition’s activities

Warsaw, Poland
 Next month’s Poland conference, focused on Middle East security and containing the negative influence of the Iranian regime, has become increasingly a source of concern for the Iranian regime.
But a particular point that always reveals the truth behind the Iranian mullahs’ tough play about stability and power is their fear of their main organized opposition, PMOI/MEK and NCRI, which shows boldly among Iranian officials’ concerns for the Poland summit.
On January 19, Mardom Salari newspaper, close to Iranian regime president Hassan Rouhani’s faction, showed the regime’s fear of PMOI becoming involved in the Warsaw summit and wrote: “PMOI becoming active isn’t a good sign.”
Meanwhile, newspapers close to Iranian regime Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei are already declaring the defeat of the summit before it has started out of fear that it would succeed.
“The anti-Iranian summit of Poland is a failure even before it even begins,” writes Keyhan newspaper, widely known as the mouthpiece of the supreme leader.
Arman newspaper interviewed Hassan Khomeini, the grandson of deceased regime founder Ruhollah Khomeini, under an article titled, “The defeat of Warsaw’s summit is definite.”
But beneath the show of power and indifference, the cracks are showing through the façade the regime has put up.
Ali Khoram, the Iranian regime’s former ambassador to the UN, warns about an international consensus in the Poland summit and expresses his concern about Iran’s isolation on a global level.
“If Mike Pompeo succeeds in transforming the propaganda summit of Poland into a political summit, it will be the prelude of a military coalition against Iran. At this time, agreements with Iran’s friends will be very helpful. For instance, PMOI’s connections with Afghanistan’s central government is a stark warning about friends separating [themselves] from Iran,” Khoram says.
“Although such a summit in Poland is opposed to principles of international laws and the Charter of the United Nations, but if the majority of the invited countries announce their readiness for a goal and consensus is reached, it will become an unwritten international law that could even be used against Iran by other countries,” Khoram further says.
“All the parties are swiftly overcoming their opposition to the U.S. invitation, so they become enemies of the [Iranian] regime. Meanwhile, it doesn’t appear that the [Iranian] regime has even one true friend who stands against this heavy political wave and supports the [Iranian] regime. Our friends usually stick with us until the limits of their own fleeting interests are reached, and when they receive compensation from the U.S., they will abandon their friendship with the [Iranian] regime,” he further complained.
In an interview with Arman newspaper on January 19, Fereydoon Majlesi, a former Iranian diplomat, also says: “John Bolton, [U.S. President Donald] Trump’s National Security Advisor, and [Mike] Pompeo, U.S. Secretary of State, have also said that the sanctions against the [Iranian] regime must continue to the point where this country [Iran] is crushed! They’ve used a term that’s not usual in diplomatic parlance.”
Majlesi expresses the necessity to back off and further says: “EU countries want the Islamic Republic to start a new policy on the international stage and act on different levels of politics and economy and decrease some of its activities. This issue is very sensitive and important to the west. In this regard, Iranian officials need to choose a path to decrease sensitivities.”
According to state-run ISNA news agency, a few days earlier, Alaeddin Borujerdi, member of the security commission in the Iranian regime’s Majlis (Parliament), drew a connection between the Warsaw summit and the PMOI and said: “Recently, among anti-[Iranian] regime policies by European countries under U.S. pressure, we’ve witnessed the transport of PMOI to Albania and some other scenarios by European countries, that show these U.S. policy is supposed to continue.”
These statements show that on the one hand, the Iranian regime is facing an unprecedented international isolation and on the other hand, the Iranian opposition is gradually advancing its cause on the global level.
These recent developments have also increased the internal fight among the ruling political factions in Iran.
If the Poland summit, as Khomeini’s grandson and Ali Khamenei’s mouthpiece, the Keyhan newspaper, boldly say, is already doomed to fail before it even started, why the complaints and warnings by Iranian officials about the summit in the first place?
If the Iranian regime is as stable and powerful as its minions like to claim, why can’t it just ignore the Warsaw summit and continue to spread its twisted version of “freedom” and “equality”—read death and destruction—throughout the world? Why bother at all?
Truth is that the Iranian regime faces a growing popular dissent on Iranian streets that results from four decades of kleptocracy and nepotism, blatant mismanagement of the economy and corruption. Its Islamic propaganda that used to boost its base’s moral and justify its politics find less and less credibility and its organized opposition, culminated in the PMOI and the NCRI, have gained increasing international recognition and respect.
Considering the situation, a global consensus and coalition against the Iranian regime’s meddling and interference, is the last piece of a puzzle that cold possibly lead to disposing a regime that is a reminder of the dark ages in the 21 century.


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