Opening the Iranian chemical weapons case

An overview of the opening of an extraordinary session of member-states of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) in The Hague Nov. 28, 2018 - Up until recently, the Iranian regime had a lot of visible and invisible support, and some Western countries even ignored Tehran’s terrorist attacks on their own soil in exchange for lucrative trade deals and cheap oil. But since the new administration took office in the U.S., as hard as Iran’s lobby in the West tries and as cheap as the regime itself sells Iranian interests abroad and in the region, one would have a hard time to find a country which offers more than rhetoric to support the ruling mullahs in Iran. The most recent blow against the Iranian theocracy happened just a few days ago when the U.S. ambassador to Netherlands Kenneth Ward accused Iran of failing to declare chemical weapons-related activities in violation of its commitments to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Wea...